What will happen when one toss a coin many times?
Probability is a good way of talking about information.
There’re many ways of talking about information, but basically it’s more about new things that cannot be predicted. i.e. What I don’t know about the world?
It talks about statistic property & probability.
A biased coin: a. pictures of a dark room (b/w), more 1s than 0s.
b. noise, more 0s than 1s
Data compression:
n lossless source coding
n rate-distortion theory. i.e. images(within some error, compress as much as one can)
Problem Set 1
Independence c.d.f. cumulative distribution function of x.
Pr(x <= x) = f(x)
Two random variables X and Y are independent if and only if
P(X <= x, Y <= y) = P(X <= x)P(Y <= y)
When there’re 3 variables. Each two of them can be independent with each other but the three of them are dependent.
i.i.d. identical & independently distributed.
How many different sequences there are for tossing a coin ten times? 2^10
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