
Scribe Note 5

Page history last edited by Yip Kit Sang Danny 13 years, 3 months ago

Q.2 Arithmetic Code


(i)     Introduction


The descriptions and diagrams below illustrate the idea of Arithmetic code:

Let p(0) = p, p(1) = 1 - p,


Length of input  Set of all input Probability Function  Distribution Function Intervals
{0, 1}  Formula  Formula



{00, 01, 10, 11}  Formula  Formula 





{000, 001, 010, 011, 100, 101, 110, 111}  Formula  Formula 









{0000, 0001, 0010, 0011, 0100, 0101, 0110, 0111, 1000, 1001, 1010, 1011, 1100, 1101, 1110, 1111} 

Formula  (Just leave it blank, too trouble)  (leave it blank)


In this diagram, each line represents corresponding length of input of arithmetic code. This diagram also illustrates the code width of a input.


(a)     code width of 01 and 10 is p(1-p)

(b)     code width of 001, 010, 100 is Formula

Furthermore, the sum of all code width is 1.

This diagram illustrate the distribution function of arithmetic code up to length of input = 3. Red line, purple line and blue line represent length of input equal to 1, 2 and 3 respectively. The indices at x-axis are sets of inputs, while the vertical distance is the code width.


Here comes to the problem, what are the codes?


If Formula is the input, Formula is the arithmetic binary-code, then Formula

Example: Let's say p = 0.4, n = 3

(a)     Arithmetic code 0011: in binary, Formula.

          As input Formula, so, the arithmetic code of 010 is 0011.

(b)     For input Formula, we find out that Formula,

          So, the arithmetic code for 001 is 0010.



(ii)     Arithmetic Code is almost best code


Arithmetic code requires Formula bits, 1 bit is lost due to quantization, another 1 bit is lost due to the open interval at the end

Arithmetic code is almost best code, since Huffman achieves Formula bits and Huffman is best code. 


(iii)     Encoding


Denote Formula be the input, width of interval = Formula,

and start of interval (a) = Formula


1. Evaluate the interval for the input with the above formulae.

2. Find a code that binary floating point value falling into the range of the interval.


(iv)     Decoding


1. Evaluate the floating point value of code.

2. Binary search the floating point value on [0, 1) for n steps, if the floating point value is on the left, pick [a, (1-p)a+pb), otherwise pick [(1-p)a+pb, b).


(v)     Advantages of Arithmetic Code


1. Arithmetic code is almost best code, with at most 2 bits more than the best code.

2. It is easy for Arithmetic code to handle non-binary cases by adding more parameters.

3. The design arithmetic code facilitates different parameters at different position of the code.

4. Coding procedure is incremental and can be used for any blocklength.

5. Arithmetic code is memoryless.



Q.4 Differential Entropy h(x)


(i)     Definitions


Natural definition of differential entropy Formula


Joint differential entropy Formula


Conditional differential entropy Formula


Mutual information Formula


Kullback-leibler Divergence (or relative different entropy) Formula


(ii)     Properties of Differential Entropy (Highlight)


1. h(X) can be positive, zero and even negative

Examples: f(x) = 0.5 on [0, 2] gives positive h(X), f(x) = 1 on [0, 1] gives zero h(X), f(x) = 2 on [0, 0.5] gives negative h(X).


2. Formula


3. Chain rules for differential entropy: Formula


4. Chain rules for mutual information: Formula


5. Kullback-leibler divergence and mutual information of 2 random variables are non-negative


6. Data Processing Inequality: Formula


(iii)     Relation of Differential Entropy to Discrete Entropy


Show that: Formula









So, Formula


Note: This equation is an informal proof for the property of h(p), can be positive, zero and negative. If Formula close to 0+, h(p) is highly negative.


(iv)     Maximum value of differential Entropy


Maximize h(X) over all probability density function f(x) satisfying:

1. Formula

2. Formula

3. Formula, i = 1, 2, where Formula is called moment constraints


Theorem: h(X) attains maximum when Formula, which is also called Guassian distribution Formula, through completing square.



step 1: construct h(X) with Lagrange Multiplier


step 2: differential h(X) with respect to f(x)


step 3: put Formula to obtain Formula, furthermore, perform first derivative test to show this is the maximum of h(X)

Comments (1)

sidjaggi said

at 12:48 am on Nov 15, 2011

Really excellent figures/explanations, Danny! Good job!

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