Basic probability theory
A simple (source) coding theorem
A simple (source) coding theorem
A simple (source) coding theorem
A simple (source) coding theorem
Entropy: Definitions and Properties
Entropy: Definitions and Properties
Entropy: Definitions and Properties
Fano's inequality
Source/Channel Coding Theorems
Source Coding Theorem: Achievability
Channel Coding Theorem
Source coding Theorem and Symbol-by-symbol Source Coding
Based on PS1-3. Due 5th Feb.
Symbol-by-symbol Source Coding
Symbol-by-symbol Source Coding
Processes with memory
Memory/Universal (arithmetic) codes/Weak typicality/Differential entropy
Arithmetic Codes and Weak Typicality
Differential Entropy
Typicality of Differential Entropy/Error Estimation/Some Channel Models
Coding theorems and coding theory
A note on Concatenated code
Channel Feedback
Source channel seperation
Water Filling Method
Based on PS4-6. Due 23rd Mar.
Quantization/Rate distortion theory
Rate distortion
(The same as Scribe Notes 7.2? But shouldn't Scribe Notes 7.2 be about
Lloyd's algorithm etc?)
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